Thursday, December 13, 2018

What to Expect from a Visit to a Dental Hygienist

Visiting a dental hygienist can play an important role in maintaining or improving your oral health.
Dental hygienists are trained oral health professionals primarily focussed on preventative oral healthcare. Alongside dental exams, regular visits to a dental hygienist are recommended by the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) as the best way to prevent and detect dental problems before they get worse"'. 

Generally, a visit to a dental hygienist will consist of the following 4 stages: 

  • Dental Exam

Prior to any teeth cleaning, a dental hygienist will conduct a thorough examination of your dental and oral health. This will help the hygienist to identify areas that are in need of more attention, as well as to detect any more serious oral health issues that need dental or orthodontal treatment. The dental hygienist may wish to consult your medical records if they deem it necessary. 

  • Teeth Scaling and Root Planning

The process of teeth scaling and root planning involves using specialized instruments such as scaling tools, ultrasonic instruments, and other hand instruments to remove plaque and calculus from the surface of your teeth. These specialized instruments are also used to clean below the gum line. 

  • Teeth Polishing

If there are any remaining stains on your teeth, the dental hygienist may attempt to remove them through the process of teeth polishing. Teeth polishing involves the use of a powered polishing tool and works to remove stains and smooth away minor imperfections and patches of rough texture. In addition to making your teeth look brighter, teeth polishing helps to prevent the build-up of plaque'''. 

  • Fluoride Treatment

Depending on the condition of your teeth and general oral health, the dental hygienist may finish your appointment by administering a course of fluoride treatment. Fluoride treatment may be given to strengthen your teeth, prevent decay, or to decrease sensitivity's'. 



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